
Minutes of the Leominster Allotment Association meeting –  Sunday 14th July 2024, 2pm, at the Community Area, Ginhall Lane Allotments

Charlie Cross Co-chair, Heather Davies Wildlife Officer,
Sue Morris Secretary, Hilary Tuite Treasurer and Membership Secretary
Kay West, Stuart Sidebotham, Val Wareing
Minutes of last meeting
Were read and approved.
Matters Arising:
Security: The gates have sometimes been left open after the last person has left. Please remember to lock the gates after you if you think you might be the last person. If you are locked in without your keys, there is a phone number to ring and you will be rescued!
Heather signed up to the police Neighbourhood Matters email feed but little of relevance to the allotment site has arisen.
Spring Plant Fair
Kay and Sue manned the stall Made a  profit of £37
Leominster in Bloom Assessors visit
Assessors Lesley and David Pritchard visited on Saturday 6th July. They particularly enjoyed looking at the miniplots which have been cultivated and had praise for several individual plots. They recommended the use of cane toppers to avoid eye damage. LAA will purchase a bulk order of cane toppers to distribute to plot holders. Proposed by Sue and seconded by Hilary.
Treasurer’s and membership sec. report
Current bank balance is £1569.96. All the deposits since the last meeting have been membership fees which are due at the beginning of August. Money collected from the sale of fruit trees from Chris’s plot (£15.50) was spent on plants for the community flower tubs. (£16.50)
Membership stands at 30. Only 13 of these are paid up for 2024-2025. Hilary will email all those who have yet to pay 2024-2025 subscriptions, which are due on 18th August. She will leave membership forms on the table in the community shed and put up reminder signs. Sending membership forms out with the contract has had limited success in recruiting new members.
Site Matters
Waiting List – 17 people (Sarah’s figure)
Vacant plot – 3 half plots
Plots with ongoing work – 2 (plot 52 & 51)
Stuart’s report
  • The councillors have now agreed a quote for a contractor who will be digging in plot 51 which we think has a natural spring. He will find the leak source, dig down to it, dig a trench out towards the far side track (near hedgerow) and carry that down near the 2nd entrance gate, fill the trench with gravel & dig another pit filled with gravel so the water can naturally percolate out. I am now awaiting a start date for the work.
  • -We still want to move the lower gate up to where the wildlife area is, this is still on our job list & will be completed ASAP
  • the grass tracks are being cut twice monthly; we have found it difficult in some areas due to overgrowth from some plots. On our next plot inspection, I want to note down these plots to let them know they have to cut back the overgrowth from the track.
Additional notes:
Please do not feed birds as the rat population has increased and they will not take the Pest Control bait if too well fed.
The Association has asked for bays for deliveries of wood chip and manure to be made on both car parks. Charlie contacts tree surgeons to arrange for the delivery of wood chip.
Jobs on community area
Paint party to be held next Saturday 20th July to repaint the community tool shed. Please bring a paint brush.
We are waiting for some slabs to be fetched from Hilary’s house to repair the paths around the community area. Hilary also has benches she is happy to donate to the wildlife area. Can anyone help?
It is planned to put a water butt to collect water from the community greenhouse roof.
Forthcoming events and plot awards
Saturday 20th July Potato weigh-in and paint party. 11.00 – 14.00 at community shed. Personnel Sue (bring scales), Charlie (cake), Hilary at 11.00. Heather from 12.00
Visit of Assessors for Plot Holder Awards August 31st Hilary and Sue can attend. Heather and Charlie to provide cake. Sue will bring tea/coffee.
Anyone can nominate a fellow allotmenteer for a helpful plot holder award.
Awards are presented at the Harvest Supper on October 11th. This will take place at the Forbury.
Next meeting will be on Sunday September 8th at the allotment site at 2pm
Sunflower competition judging date to be confirmed when the plants have grown more.
Proposed plot holder award categories are as follows:
1. Most environmentally friendly plot
2. Most wildlife friendly planting
3. Best flowers.
4. Best single crop.
5. Best overall plot
6. Most improved plot since last year
7. Helpful plot holders
Heather would like to find out if we have bats in the bat boxes and will contact Herefordshire Wildlife Trust to arrange an evening visit by someone with a bat detector.
Wildlife seen: red kites, rabbits, friendly robins, and blackbirds, some sort of snake, hedgehog poo has been found, very few butterflies apart from cabbage whites. Frogs, squirrels.
Charlie proposed the purchase from Association funds of 2 wheelbarrows for the use of plot holders, seconded by Hilary.
Claire’s father to be asked for a further delivery of manure in October. The LAA will fund this and sell on the manure per barrowload as last year.
Additional Note: Kay has written to congratulate our new MP Dr Chowns on her election and to invite her to visit the allotment site.
Charlie thanked attendees and closed the meeting at 3.20 pm
Next meeting will be on Sunday September 8th at the allotment site at 2pm


Event and venue
July 20th
Potato Weigh-in and paint party, at community shed
11.00 – 14.00
August 31st
Visit of Assessors for Plot Holder Awards
September 8th
Meeting , Community shed
October 11th
Harvest Supper in the Forbury
November 6th
Meeting, Town Council offices, art gallery

Committee Members for 2024-25 – elected 12th May 2024, at the AGM

        • Kay West (co-Chairperson) with

        • Charley Crosse  (co-Chairperson)

        • Hilary Tuite (Treasurer & Membership Secretary)

        • Sue Morris (Minutes Secretary)

        • Heather Davies (Wildlife Officer)

        • John Braithwaite (Seed order Co-ordinator with support from Jane Lacey)

Christine Conlon – remains as Website Administrator, representing Chris Preece.