Kay West co-chair, Hilary Tuite Treasurer and Membership Secretary, Heather Davies, Sue Morris secretary, Val Waring, Jane Lacey, Penny Fear.
Apologies: Charlie Cross, Stuart Sidebotham
Minutes of last meeting circulated and read.
Matters arising
Hilary raised concern about nettles and willowherb growing on the edges of the tracks spreading unwanted seed. Could it be cut back?
Cane toppers are now available in the community shed.
Heather Davies will source a new community wheelbarrow from JMart.
Ellie Chowns MP visited the site on August 2nd in response to our invitation.
Treasurer & membership
We have 26 fully paid-up members at present, a decrease from last year. There are 4 members from last year who will be contacted by Hilary. If we reach a membership of 30, we will get an extra magazine from the National Allotment Society.
The bank balance at the end of August was £1584.96.
Since the beginning of September, 15 membership cheques have been paid in.
£78 has been paid to the National Allotment Association for our national membership.
Current funds available are now £1521.96.
Petty cash has built up recently from membership subscriptions. £28.30 was spent on painting the sheds. The residue, £66.90 will be used as a float for the Autumn Plant Fair (£49) and for the Harvest Supper.
After this, all remaining petty cash will be paid in to the bank.
King’s Seed catalogues
Hilary now has these to distribute to members. They will be available at the Plant Fair stall or members can email Hilary to request their copy.
PLEASE PUT IN YOUR ORDER BY 8TH NOVEMBER. Completed order forms and payment can be left in the post box INSIDE the community shed or sent to Jane Lacey, Rockhaven, Hereford Road. Jane will compile the orders. Various people will help with delivery.
Site Matters
Waiting List 12 people
No vacant plots, apart from an overgrown half plot. Council will clear this once the birds have finished nesting.
The water will be turned off in October. The exact date depends on the weather.
Jobs still pending: moving the access gate on far track to a new site by the wildlife area. Removal of Harris fencing from by the wildlife area to be replaced by a wire fence and a bay for woodchip / manure constructed in second car park.
One of the bat boxes has fallen and will be put up again.
Bird feeders can be put up again in October and removed in the Spring. No new rat sightings have been reported recently but this bird feeders are subject to review.
Drainage works have been completed on the boggy plot. The excess water is taken off by a drain following the far track and leading to a soakaway in the bottom hedge. We speculated that the water might be run-off from the Buckfield Road/Godiva Road estates.
Repairs to the compost toilet have been carried out.
Autumn Plant Fair
Saturday 21st September on the Grange 9-3.
Set up 8.30.Sue will request donations of flowers and produce on FB. Abigail will make decorative teasel bunches. Kay, Heather and Sue to man the stall. The gazebo can be used if necessary.
IYN award ceremony
The In Bloom “It’s Your Neighbourhood” award ceremony is taking place on Friday,13th September at Holme Lacy. Kay and Hilary will attend.
Harvest Supper
Friday, 11th October at 7pm at the Forbury. All plot holders are invited.
If your plot is an even number, please bring a dessert, if it is an odd number, please bring something savoury.
David and Lesley will present the annual awards,
Kay will produce a quiz.
Kay & Sue to collect flowers from site and purchase extra items.
Kay will produce a sign-up sheet which will be in the notice board by the entrance.
Please donate prizes suitable for the raffle.
Plot Awards visit
David and Lesley Pritchard visited on 31st August to assess the awards and have sent their report. Prizes will be handed out at the Harvest Supper.
Lesley is anxious that more people provide bug hotels and bird boxes where suitable.
Future events
Tallest sunflower and largest sunflower seed head to be assessed on Saturday 14th September, 2pm.
The Allotment Association will decorate a Christmas tree for the Priory Christmas Tree festival. Kay suggested making mini scarecrows from dolly pegs as decorations. This will be launched at the Harvest Supper.
Manure delivery
Claire’s father to be asked if he can deliver a load of cow manure as last year. This will need to be before the gates are shut off. LAA will fund this upfront and charge per barrowload.
Wildlife sightings
Rabbits, a grass snake, squirrels, frogs, toads, buzzards. Some people have had frogspawn in their ponds.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday, November 6th , 7pm in the Town Council Art Gallery. Members were reminded that parking in Etnam St is free after 6pm and there is direct access to the Council Offices from the car park.
There being no other business, Kay thanked those attending and closed the meeting at about 3.20.