
Minutes of Leominster Allotment Association

Wednesday, March 6th 7pm, Town council art gallery

Kay West (acting chair person), Hilary Tuite (Treasurer and Membership Secretary), Sue Morris (Secretary), Stuart Sidebotham (Leominster Town council grounds), Heather Davies, Coral Lemm
Apologies were received from Graham Millard and Mary Locock
The Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated, read and approved.
Matters arising. Hilary noted that a work party had been suggested. Possible dates will be discussed at a later meeting when more plot holders are active on the site. She offered to donate two benches for the wildlife site. Stuart to liaise with Hilary about transporting them from her garage. She also has some unwanted paving slabs as has Heather.
There are now 4 bat boxes attached to trees on the site, mostly by the track. Many thanks to Heather Davies for obtaining the boxes and to Stuart and the team for putting them up. Also to the Town Council for covering the cost.
RSPB Birdwatch. Kay spotted 13 species on the wildlife area including a sparrowhawk. Heather saw several birds including long-tailed tits. Sue saw a crow, magpie and PIGEONS.
The litter pick on 2nd March was abandoned because of the weather. The new date is Saturday 23rd March at 10.00.
Treasurer’s and Membership Report: The balance of the Association account is £1,472.42
The membership numbers have not changed since the last meeting. The membership forms have been revised and will be sent out with rental agreements for the new season. Membership fees should be the prime source of income for the Association and it is hoped this will encourage more people to join as they pay for their plots. The instruction is clear on the new form that the plot holder should fill in the form and send the fee and completed form to Hilary not to the council. Stuart agreed that Sarah could keep some forms to give to new allotment holders who take on plots later in the year.
Waiting List and work to be done on the site.
There are 12 people on the waiting list. There are currently no plots available but some will become available at the end of March. Martin on plot 58 would like to share his allotment. Stuart will look into the legality of this suggestion.
The main work which needs to be done on the site is not possible until the ground dries up. Stuart is hoping to invite the drainage contractor to inspect the waterlogged plots so that he can see where the water is coming from and get a better idea of where to dig.
Rats. No new sightings have been reported. LeoPest are continuing to do regular checks.
Potato Growing competition: Heather has sourced used compost bags from Philpott’s to plant the potatoes in and she has bought second earlies, Nadine and Acoustic. Cost £15.25. These require 16 weeks to harvest but are more resistant to disease than first earlies.
Bags and potatoes will be given out on 29th and 30th March (Good Friday and Easter Saturday.) 2 – 4pm from community shed. The results will be weighed and the winner declared on July 20th. Refreshments will be provided. The potatoes are to be donated to the Leominster Food Bank. Sue to create a flyer for Heather to give out to publicise this free competition. Potato growing tips article to be posted on Facebook and the website.
Tallest sunflower growing competition. Hilary to obtain Russian Giant sunflower seeds. A seed and a pot will be given to competitors on Saturday 4th May between 2 and 4pm at the community shed. The sunflowers will be measured in September.
Social Events: There will be refreshments at the potato weigh-in linked to Leominster in Bloom 60th anniversary. The Spring Plant Fair will be on the Grange on 25th May. Please grow some things to sell.
Harvest Supper in the Forbury on 11th October
David and Lesley Pritchard will again judge the plots for the awards which will be presented at the Harvest Supper. This will take place in August or early September.
Wood chip and manure deliveries. When Stuart’s team are able to remove the Harris fencing around the wildlife area, they will erect a fence to demarcate the edge of the area and also create a bay where deliveries of manure or wood chip could be contained rather than encroaching on the car parking area Meanwhile, people delivering wood chip should be encouraged to put it on the grassy area rather than on the hard standing. We hope to organise another manure delivery in the Autumn.
Leominster in Bloom 60th anniversary . See item 10. This is to celebrate growing things in the community.
Dates of meetings
May 12th AGM 2pm at the site
July 14th 2pm at the site
September 8th 2pm at the site
November 6th 7pm Town Council art gallery
Coral organises the Leominster Christmas Tree Festival at the Priory. She would like the Allotment Association to take on the decoration of a tree for the festival at Christmas. It could be decorated with natural objects such as dried flower and seed heads and pine cones. Hilary suggested a scarecrow for the top.
Members were thanked for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.10pm




Event and venue



May 12th

AGM meeting at Community shed, allotments site



May 25th

Spring Plant Fair on the Grange.
Leominster allotments Association to participate.




July 14th

September 8th

November 6th

Meeting at the Community shed, allotments site

Meeting at the Community shed, allotments site

Meeting at the Town Council offices, art gallery





October 11th

Harvest Supper in the Forbury on 11th October


Committee Members for 2023-24 – elected 14th May 2023, at the AGM

    • Vacancy(Chair)
      Kay West (acting Chair)

    • Sue Morris (Minutes Secretary)

    • Hilary Tuite (Treasurer and Membership Secretary)

    • John Braithwaite (Seed order Co-ordinator with support from Jane Lacey)

    • Graham Millard (committee member)

    • Viv Pearson (committee member/ Veterans representative)