


Future events

Minutes of the Leominster Allotment Association meeting –  Sunday 14th July 2024, 2pm, at the Community Area, Ginhall Lane Allotments Present Charlie Cross Co-chair, Heather Davies Wildlife Officer, Sue Morris Secretary, Hilary Tuite Treasurer and Membership Secretary 1 Apologies Kay West, Stuart Sidebotham, Val Wareing 2 Minutes of last meeting Were read and approved. Matters Arising: Security: The gates have
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Leominster Allotment association

New Committee members for 2024 – 25

Committee Members for 2024-25 – elected 12th May 2024, at the AGM Kay West (co-Chairperson) with Charley Crosse  (co-Chairperson) Hilary Tuite (Treasurer & Membership Secretary) Sue Morris (Minutes Secretary) Heather Davies (Wildlife Officer) John Braithwaite (Seed order Co-ordinator with support from Jane Lacey) Christine Conlon – remains as Website Administrator, representing Chris Preece.
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